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Writer: ThriveThrive

November is here, which means cold and flu season are in full swing, I shudder at the thought of getting sick, simply because I don't have time for that. As I write this, I am laying in bed wallowing in self pity as my poor nose is rubbed raw from kleenex. There is truly nothing worse than getting sick when things start to get busy, however there are ways to make it manageable.


Whether you caught the flu and cant keep anything down or you caught a cold and just feel crumby, you need to stay hydrated. The worst thing you can do to your body when you are sick and trying to heal is be dehydrated. Not only will it slow down the recovery process, but it won't make you feel any better in the moment if you dont have any fluids in you.

If you have the flu and cant keep anything inside of you, I would highly recommend electrolytes. Now Im not talking about slamming back a sports drink, although I will admit that fo some reason they taste better when you are sick. Drugstores all over carry many different types of electrolytes, from dissolvable tablets to liquid. Whatever you pick, make sure you chat with the pharmacist to make sure you are getting the best product for you.


I understand the struggle of having a cold and being busy, not only is it stressful but it makes it hard to rest. Regardless of whether or not your to-do list is a mile long you have to rest, your body wont recover without it. If you cant take the day off from school or work, the least you can do is have an early night.

If you have the time to take it easy make sure you do, go to bed early, have a hot bath; do whatever you have to do to get better. The more you help your body, the shorter the cold will stick around for.

When your body is having the crap beaten out of it by whatever virus has made its way into your system, the best thing you can do is sleep. In doing so you increase the chances of actually being able to function sooner than later.


Now I know everyone is different, but when I get a cold I have to stay warm or else my day is doomed. Of course, being anemic doesn't help when I am trying to stay warm, but I do know that the colder I am the worse I feel. If you have a fever, unfortunately you are going to need to cool down, so no matter what you do; don't bundle until you have broken the fever.


One of the worst things about being sick is everything tastes like crap, not only does it feel like your nose is broken.... but apparently your tastebuds are too. As much as this sucks, you still have to fuel your body with the right foods to help you heal. The classic chicken broth, toast, apple sauce and crackers are easy on your tummy and great for sick days. Make sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body need. If you are lacking any, don't hesitate to reach for supplements, specifically vitamin C supplement.


Last but not least, give some good ol' over the counter drugs a try. If you are having a hard time keeping your temperature down turn to drugs that can help your body. Same goes for having a cold, if you cant breathe out of your nose and your throat is killing you don't hesitate to try medicine. As always, ask your pharmacist which medicine is right for.

Sorry for todays post being so short, I am so sick right now and it is making balancing everything a bit harder than usual. Regardless of that I hope you are having an incredible day and an even more amazing week. Let me know in the comments down below what your go to sick day essentials are.


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