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Writer: ThriveThrive

As a Human Kinetics student who works at a gym, it's no secret that fitness is a huge part of my life. I wont lie to you guys though, I have to be really strict with myself when it comes to fitness, because I do love being lazy. I am sure many people have this problem too, so I wanted to share my weekly fitness/ health routine. This routine isn't set in stone and it changes depending on how crazy my week has been.

I like to look at each individual week when it comes to planning ahead, this makes it just that little bit less overwhelming. For me, health isn't just about fitness, its also about what I use to fuel my body and how I take care of my mind.


When I am planning the week ahead I break down each day to see what I really have the time and energy for. Certain days I end school early and have plenty of time for fitness, other days I am there until after the sun has gone down. This here is a basic break down of my week.


Sunday is my day for reverse psychology, and running; but we will get to that shortly. When I first wake up to my alarm for work I bargain with myself, if I get up instead of hitting snooze I can nap when I get home from work. This continues throughout my shift at work, and before I go for my run; "If I go for my run now I can nap later". This never happens though, I get such a runners high after my run that I never end up taking my nap.

This really helps me to get a lot accomplished throughout the day and I end up feeling far less anxious. So next time you want to just hit snooze or have a lazy day, bargain with yourself. If you get the hard stuff done then you can nap, odds are by the time you're done everything you wont want to nap anymore.


I wish I could say I was motivated 24/7, can you imagine how much I would get done if that were the case. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen; I have to really pump myself up for the busy week ahead plus my workouts. The best things I have found for motivating myself include quotes and some good ol' fitspo. This is going to sound so cheesy, but i love starting my day out with some motivational quotes; in this case Pinterest is your best friend. When it comes to fitspo, I once again turn to Pinterest. The important thing about this is that I dont compare myself to the beautiful girls on social media. I have to really focus on not letting in the negative thoughts and instead, remembering that if I work hard and take care of myself I can also look like that.


On Tuesday, my main focus is just getting all my steps in. After going to school for a couple hours in the morning, I work until late in the evening so getting a workout in doesn't always happen. I track my steps using my Fitbit Charge 2, this was an amazing investment and something I use everyday. My step preference is set to 10000 steps a day with an hourly reminder to get my but in gear and move.

If you are someone that is struggling to transition from a sedentatry life to an active one start by getting your steps. You dont need to have your goal set to 10000, even 5000 will do to start you off.


I love running, but I really... really, REALLY hate working out, if I were every to be tortured this would be the way to do it. Because of my deep hatred I go to the gym for my workouts, this way I am held accountable and have to show up. I heads aright from school to the gym, this leaves little time for second guessing my self inflicted punishment.

While I hate working out, I know that I will feel incredible about an hour after class, once it no longer feels like Im dying. This is a much needed mid-week kick in the pants that helps me survive until the weekend.


Thursdays are a crazy day for me, I am at school before the sun has fully risen and I dont leave until after it has set. After having such a long and very full day I do find it difficult to exercise especially when its the last thing I want to do. I combat this by getting my stretch on. I love doing this right before bed as it is so relaxing. I will put on some calming music turn down my bedroom lights and do yoga by the light of my salt lamp. I am not professional, but I do know that I feel much better when I have gotten a good stretch in before bed.


Ah Friday, the official end to the workweek and the beginning of the weekend; it doesn't get any better. Friday is my one day where I DONT workout, I go out on Fridays with friends and I don't think they would appreciate me dragging them to the gym. I am notorious about beating myself up and second guessing every decision I make. Friday is the one day where I dont let those negative thoughts get the best of me. I get one day a week to go out with friends, I cant ruin it by freaking out because I am not working.


Saturday is a very sacred day in my eyes, it is the one day I don't have anything... yeah you heard that right, my one day of nothing. I dont like being idle, but let me tell you; I really love Saturdays. Slow Saturday is a day for me to d whatever I want, I can start the day as early or late as I want, and I dont have to workout. As long as I have gone for two runs and done one workout during the week that is all that matters.

Finding balance in your life to do the things you want is so very important. I get easily overwhelmed when I have to much to do, but I also get overwhelmed when i dont have enough to do. Saturdays are my day, I base the days activities about how I am in the moment. If I am overwhelmed because my week was crazy busy then I will try and sleep in and have a slow day. If my anxiety is stemming form being idle I will keep myself busy. At the end of the day it is up to me how I enjoy my saturday and if that means I don't workout that is fine.


Being celiac has really opened up my eyes to new foods that I never thought I would eat. I am not a picky eater, unlike everyone else in my family, but I was very closed minded when it came to what I would eat. Now my focus is on eating whole (gluten free) foods that I know will fuel my body to get me through the day.


Now that the weather is getting colder I like to start my days with a warm breakfast, this is one of those simple things that really does make getting out of bed a little bit easier. Oatmeal is always a safe bet when making breakfast, I like to use gluten free oats, with a little bit of milk, sugar and blueberries. Or if you want to go with something a little quicker you can prep a smoothie the night before and blend it up in the morning. Just remember to have a bigger breakfast than you would lunch or dinner.


Now this may sound weird, but lunch is my least favourite meal of the day, I don't know why, but it is. Most days I am either at school or at work during my lunch so I always go for things that are easy to pack and eat on the go. This usually includes a sandwich of some sort, fruit and a lara bar. If you haven't heard of Lara Bars I seriously reccomned you go try one, the best is peanut butter chocolate chip. It actually tastes like a reese's peanut butter cup.


Dinner is also typically an on the go meal for me since I am at schools so late. I like to go for things that I can eat quickly in between classes that I doing have to sit down to have. This usually includes either soup or a salad, whatever is easiest for me to whip up in the mornings as I am heading out the door.


I am a huge advocate for mental health and living your best life through proper mental health. When I find myself getting overwhelmed I will take five minutes out of my day to either meditate or do some mindful breathing. Both of those help so much and really allow for me to clear my head.

On the days where I have more time I will journal, this is a great way for me to have a big brain dump and let go of the things stressing me out.

I hope you guys found this blog post helpful if you are starting out on your fitness journey or if you already have one set in stone. Of course, everyone is different so I would love to hear what you guys do to stay fit, eat healthy and clear your mind.


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