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Writer: ThriveThrive

Autumn is the ultimate season, you get leggings, you get pumpkin spice lattes, you get crisp leaves and the days start to get shorter. I am an autumn freak, you ask me what my favourite season is and I will say fall without hesitation. I dont know exactly what it is that I love about it so much, but it is the most incredible season of the year.

With that in mind I wanted to take you guys through a typical weekday morning. Of course each day is different depending on when my classes are, but this is the routine I like to follow through with during the week.


I start my days bright and early in order to make it out to school for my morning classes. My alarms go off a minute apart and I have them put on separate ends of my room. I am 100% a morning person, I just find it really difficult to wake up fully so that I don't turn them off and get back into bed. Before I have time to sit down and contemplate going back to sleep I like to have a couple of big sips of water from my water bottle.

So, once I have turned my alarms off I grab my super fluffy housecoat and make my way to the bathroom. I make sure the night before that I have set my towels aside so they are ready to go and I can dry off asap. If I could skip morning showers that would be so incredible, but unfortunately I have a pixie cut and my hair cannot be tamed in the morning. This makes a shower very, very necessary.


After stepping out of the shower I head straight back to my room and sit down at my vanity to start my hair and makeup. I dont go too crazy with my makeup, so I typically stick with eyebrows, mascara and some good ol' highlighter. As for my hair, I brush that bad boy out and let it air dry; let me tell you, getting a pixie cut was the best decision I have ever made. Before making my way to my bedroom I will be sure to moisturize and put my contacts in, or else I am blind as a bat.


Once my hair and makeup is done I get dressed, and I will let you know I am a very, very indecisive person so setting out my clothes the night before is a must. If I didnt set my clothes out, it would probably take me an hour to get dressed, and ain't nobody got time for that.

Now that it is fall my outfits consist of either jeans or leggings, a sweater or a nice shirt and a cardigan and either my booties or white runners. I don;t have the biggest wardrobe so having these basic staples is a great way to make getting ready easy.


Before I head downstairs to have my breakfast I have to tidy my room, if I dont have the time for a big clean Ill at least make sure my bed is made. Over the last couple of years I have turned into a bit of a neat freak and CANNOT leave my room a mess.

One thing that I MUST prep the night before is my backpack, as a university student I haul around a lot of stuff. This is usually stacked up in a nice pile on my desk so that all I have to do is toss it in my bag and go.


My fall breakfast essential has got to be oatmeal, not only is it great fuel for the body, but it is a great way to warm up in the mornings. I like to top mine with cinnamon and sugar and milk for the perfect fall combo.

After inhaling my breakfast I will grab my lunch from the fridge, this is always something I throw together in the evenings. If I didn't prep absolutely everything in the evenings, I would get nothing done in the morning.


Once everything is ready to go in the kitchen, I will run upstairs to brush my teeth and grab any little things I had forgotten. I will run downstairs to grab my shoes and car keys before I head out the door. When 7:00am rolls around, it is time for me to head out the door to make it to my morning classes.

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post and I would love to hear what you do in the morning. I hope you are all having an amazing Saturday and I will be back soon.



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