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Writer: ThriveThrive

Do you ever have those mornings where your alarm goes off and you are silently cursing it to the depths of hell, wishing you had just 5 more minutes? Or maybe you lay in bed tossing and turning all night unable to shut your brain off.

There is nothing worse than waking up feeling like a zombie when you know you have a full day ahead of you. One night of poor sleep may not be the end of the world, but if it happening continuously it can really throw you off your A-game.

As University students our sleep schedules are already so out of whack that when we do get the chance to have a good night’s sleep, it’s important that we make it count. Lest we let our grades dip and hurt our overall health.

If you are like me and enjoy being busy, nothing sucks quite as much as having a long list of things that need to be done, but no energy to do them. So, if you are having a hard time waking up feeling rested here are 10 tips that will help you to get a better night’s sleep.

1.) Get your sweat on

One of the best ways to get your body ready for a great nights sleep is to exercise. Whenyou have thoroughly worked your body, you may find you have an easier time falling asleep at night.

Everyone is different and some people find that working out closer to bedtime may hinder there sleep, for other, this may help them to crash. Try working out closer to bedtime and seeing how you feel, if that doesn't work then try the afternoon or in the morning.

Once you've added working out to your daly routine you should see a big difference in your sleep.

2.) Soak in the tub

A great way to wind down after a long day is to have a nice soak in the bath, this will help to ease your muscle and make you feel relaxed. A warm bath in the winter is a great way to get nice and cozy before curling up for the night.

Bonus points if you add in epsom salts and lavender essential oil for an even more relaxing experience.

3.) Read a book

This may be one of the best or one of the worst pieces of advice I can give... controversial I know right!

If you are an avid book reader like me, picking up a book before bed can be dangerous. You promise you'll just read one chapter, next thring you know your alarm will be going off in an hour and you've finished the books (oops). If you dont really care for reading however, then this will be a great one or you.

Perhaps pick a book that may be a tad boring and before you know it you'll be crashing hard after five pages of reading.

4.) Watch your caffeine intake

While coffee may give you the energy kick you need in the middle of the day, it can greatly affect your sleep. The later in the day you consume coffee, the more likely it is to affect you later in the evening. 

Caffeine can stay in the blood for 6-8 hours, so try and limit your coffee intake after 3 or 4pm. If you cant stay away from coffee, try switching to decaffeinated and see if that helps with your sleep. 

5.) Be wary of alcohol

When alcohol is introduced into the body it decreases melatonin production (sleepy chemical). After a night of drinking you may notice you have a disrupted sleep pattern, late night alcohol consumption can be blamed for that.

6.) Dont eat close to bed

Eating later in the evening may affect your melatonin production, thus disrupting your sleep quality. However, a high carb meal close to bedtime can make you sleepy and help to knock you out.

7.) Meditate

The more relaxed and clear headed you are the easier it will be for you to wind down and go to sleep. There is nothing worse than trying to go to bed but having your brain go into overdrive.

Practicing mindfulness and breathing techniques will help to clear your mind for a great nights sleep.

8.) Get comfortable

This might be the easiest thing to accomplish on this list... just get comfy. Put on your favourite pajamas, or none if thats your thing. Have your bed set up the way you like, it have the temperature set where you want it, the possibilities are endless. 

Bottom line, just make sure you are comfy.

9.) Avoid naps

While a short cat nap here or there wont seriously affect the quality of sleep you get each night, long irregular naps can. Each and every person is different, so if you find you are struggling to get through your day without a nap, try taking a shorter one than you normally would and see how you feel. 

10.) Keep your sleep schedule consistent

Your body functions on a circadian rhythm that moves in a consistent loop, working itself around the sunrise and sunset. Keeping a insistent sleep schedule can greatly impact your sleep quality in the long run. 

While waking up on the weekends at the same time you would during the week sounds unappealing. You'll be better for it and should notice a difference in your quality of sleep over time. 

In the end, sleep plays a huge role in your overall health, and insufficient sleep will start to impact you every day. Focusing on your health and overall well-being isn't just about working out and eating right. You have to ensure that your body has enough sleep to function optimally.


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