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Writer: ThriveThrive

Updated: Aug 30, 2018

It's that time of year again, there is an endless stream of back to school commercials on seemingly every channel and every store is boasting their back to school sale. For some this might be an exciting time, but for others it is a source of anxiety.

Whether you are an individual who like me, enjoys school, or you are dreading the thought of early mornings and late nights. School is going to come around sooner or later and you might as well be prepared for it.

I have thrown together what i would consider to be the ultimate list of school essentials, for everyone from middle school to university. While you may not need everything I mention, they may make your life a tad easier.

First things first, you're going to need a good backpack, this one may sound very obvious but hear me out. I know the thought of a cheap backpack is enticing, but investing in a good quality backpack will save you plenty of headaches down the road. When you are stuffing your bag full of books, food, electronics and other essentials it can get quite heavy. This will wear your backpack down quicker than you would like. 

I am a big fan of Herschel bags, especially the Little America pack, this bag got me through my first year of University. Let me tell you, I am not a light traveler when it comes to school; I am prepared for every scenario. Bottom line, get yourself a good backpack that will last you a couple years; bonus points for overall comfort. 

Next, dont spend an arm and a leg on the fanciest and prettiest supplies. Of course if you need a very specific thing for a certain class and its expensive, get it; its required so you might as well spend your money on exactly what you need. 

When it comes to things like notebooks and pens and binders, it can add up very quickly i you get the fancy marble set from the custom stationary store. Instead look towards Walmart or another retailer the offers low price supplies. You will be amazed at how much you can get for a low price, without skimping on the quality. 

Whether you are in high school or University you will have plenty of assignments and tests coming your way. The best way to stay on top of these is to write them all down in a planner or calendar. I am a huge fan of paper planners and am very picky when it comes to picking the perfect one. 

If you don't use a planner right now I would highly recommend getting into the habit of using one. You dont need to get the fanciest most expensive planner out of the starting gate. All you need is something that will work for you and something write with.

I have found that having a planner helps me to break down everything going on in my life and puts it all in one place. There is nothing worse than having assignment due dates written on five separate pieces of papers and not knowing what your schedule looks like. 

Lastly, the most important thing to carry on you is a mini survival guide of sorts. This can be a small pencil case or beauty bag filled with your absolute essentials, the things you cannot live without.

For me this usually includes bandaids, lotion, chapstick and headphones; without these items Im scrambling. For each person its different, may you get nervous sweats and need deodorant on you at all times just in case. Maybe you are prone to getting things stuck in your teeth, just throw in some floss and you're good to go.

Whatever you put in your little pouch will most likely be a lifesaver. You will be the Mary Poppins of your friend group when you can pull almost any essential out of your backpack with ease.

I hope this quick little guide of basic University essentials has helped you out, whether or not you're in University. With the beginning of the school year fast approaching Ill be sure t write more school related content. I hope you're having an amazing day and I will chat with you soon.


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